record dealers, record collectors join together to keep the love and spirit of record collecting alive.

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The Music Collectors Marketplace

    Below is a list of frequently asked questions about records, plus dealers and fan sites that we've found interesting.

Recommended Books

Find out what your collection is worth. Buy these books from us. We are an authorized Amazon affiliate. We highly recommend these books!
  1. Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums (5th Ed) by Neal Umphred. $19.16 All the dealers use it to buy records from you.
  2. "Goldmines Record Album Price Guide by Tim Neely $19.96
  3. The Official Price Guide to Records:2000 (14th Issue) by Jerry Osborne. $20.76 Jerry has been working on this for 13 years or more. All the dealers have it.
  4. The Official Price Guide to the Beatles : Records and Memorabilia (Serial) by Perry Cox . $15.16 Cox is an expert on Beatles.
  5. The Official Price Guide to Elvis Presley Records and Memorabilia (2nd Ed) by Jerry Osborne. $13.60 Another excellent book. Jerry is considered to be an expert on Presley. Buy this.

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